Summer Fridays by Suzanne Rindell: Review

Summer Fridays by Suzanne Rindell
Release Date: May 28, 2024
Publisher: Dutton
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Pages: 332
Format Read: paperback

Summary: You’ve Got Mail for a new generation, set in the days of AOL and instant messenger banter, about a freshly engaged editorial assistant who winds up spending her “summer Fridays” with the person she least expects

Summer 1999: Twentysomething Sawyer is striving to make it in New York. Between her assistant job in publishing, her secret dreams of becoming a writer, and her upcoming wedding to her college boyfriend, her is plate full. Only one She is facing an incredibly lonely summer as her fiancé has been spending longer and longer hours at work . . . with an all-too-close female colleague, Kendra. 

When Kendra’s boyfriend, Nick, invites Sawyer to meet up and compare notes about their suspicions, the meeting goes awry. She finds Nick cocky and cynical, and he finds her stuck in her own head. But then Nick seeks out Sawyer online to apologize, and a friendship develops.

Soon, Sawyer’s lonely summer takes an unexpected turn. She and Nick begin an unofficial ritual—exploring New York City together every summer Friday. From hot dogs on the Staten Island Ferry and Sea Breezes in a muggy East Village bar to swimming at Coney Island, Sawyer feels seen by Nick in a way that surprises her. He pushes her to be braver. To ask for what she wants. Meanwhile, Sawyer draws Nick out of his hard shell, revealing a surprisingly vulnerable side. They both begin living for their Friday afternoons together. 

But what happens when the summer is over?

Summer Fridays is a witty and emotional love letter to New York City that also captures the feeling of being young and starting out, uncertain what to do on your summer Friday. It’s also perfect for readers who remember when “going online” meant tying up the phone line, and the timeless thrill of seeing a certain someone’s name in your inbox.


Rating: 4/5 stars
Spice: .5/5
Review: This story follows a woman in publishing who’s engaged but realizes he’s cheating on her when a man tells her. This story was honestly not at all what I expected. It was well written and I loved getting an inside perspective of the publishing world. I loved the NYC setting of this book and discovering it through the FMC’s pov. This book deals a lot with relationships which I enjoyed seeing it being the main focus. I do have to say that I did begin to hate the word Summer Friday being mentioned every other page which I thought was too repetitive. This book is told from Sawyer’s pov. 

Sawyer is the FMC of this story who doesn’t know what to do with her relationship. I have to say that I hate the cheating trope and in this case it was different from this character’s pov, it’s still cheating. I was just hoping for her to end it once and for all but it took way too long. It’s easy to understand that in reality it can be hard but it just gave me mixed feelings for a book. Our main side character is Nick, who comes off as a jerk but cares for Sawyer. I started to like his character and he’s so much better than the fiancee. The tropes are cheating and kind of love triangle. 

The ending was well done and totally not what you would expect. Am I disappointed with it, yes but it makes sense for how the book went. I still enjoyed this book and recommend checking it out. It’s well written and perfect for the summer. 

*this arc was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return* 

Published by Thindbooks

Hello! I'm a book reviewer on Instagram @thindbooks, Goodreads, and here! I love YA books, especially in the fantasy genre. I'm a total Maas trash meaning I LOVE all of Sarah J. Maas's book. Some of my favorite series other then ACOTAR & TOG are Furyborn, Shatter Me, Shadowfalls and the After series. Here you will see reviews, blog tours, book box book reveals and so much more!

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