Unleashing Chaos by Crystal J. Johnson and Felicity Vaughn: Review

Unleashing Chaos by Crystal J. Johnson and Felicity Vaughn
Release Date: June 11, 2024
Publisher: Frayed Pages x Wattpad Books
Genre: Adult Paranormal Romance
Pages: 432
Format Read: physical arc

Summary: Desideria is looking for true love…
When your father, the king of demons, tells you to find an eternal partner in ninety days, you do it―because the alternative is worse.

Jace’s heart is shattered and guarded…
All I asked for was a quiet roommate to help with the bills instead I got a sassy demon princess.

Cannon wants everyone to be happy, but …
Sure, I want to help my friends, but I’ve got ambitions too.

Infernis help them.

A visit to the human realm is Desi’s last-ditch effort to find the partner of her dreams―she wants to marry for love―but with only three months to fall head over heels and take someone home to her chaotic family in Infernis, it seems impossible.

When every date Desi goes on ends in disaster, she enlists the help of her two handsome roommates. While one is friendly and fun, willing to help in any way he can, the other is stern and impenetrable, resolute in his theory that everlasting love isn’t possible. But as much as she’d like to deny it, Desideria is an agent of chaos, and she quickly starts knocking down walls and crossing boundaries–in every aspect of her romantic life..

Maybe it was kismet that landed Desi in Denver, but the choice she and her new friends have to make will define not only their futures, but that of an entire realm.


Rating: 4/5 stars
Spice: 2.5/5
Review: This story follows Desi who arrives in the human world to find herself a husband for her kingdom. This is a very Wattpad type of book and yes it’s published by Wattpad, and I very much enjoyed it. This was such a fun read written by 2 authors who could tell a great story. I loved the world that the authors created in this book. It was fun but I do wish we got to explore more of it or I hope we can get another book from this world. I loved the storyline and seeing the FMC find love the way she always dreamed. The pacing was fast and very flowing with fun conflicts in the story. This book is told from both Desi and Jace’s pov. 

Desi is a princess of her demons and comes to the human world to find her partner. I enjoyed her character as she was fun and was never afraid to try something new. Jace is a character I didn’t expect to like but I did start liking his story. I do have to say that this dude developed very slowly but at least he figured out his things. There were some amazing side characters and Desi’s siblings sound so fun that I wish we can get their stories. The romance is forced proximity and friends with benefits that have some steamy scenes throughout the book. 

The ending was quite well and some things were not expected the way it went which I enjoyed. I do have to say that the only reason this book didn’t get full stars is because I wanted to see more love triangle in this book. I also thought it would be more fun to learn the world too. Overall, it was a great story that I recommend checking it out. 

*this ARC was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return* 

Published by Thindbooks

Hello! I'm a book reviewer on Instagram @thindbooks, Goodreads, and here! I love YA books, especially in the fantasy genre. I'm a total Maas trash meaning I LOVE all of Sarah J. Maas's book. Some of my favorite series other then ACOTAR & TOG are Furyborn, Shatter Me, Shadowfalls and the After series. Here you will see reviews, blog tours, book box book reveals and so much more!

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