Camera Shy by Kay Cove: Review

Gentle Scars by Willow Winters
Series: Lessons in Love #1
Release Date: May 14, 2021
Publisher: Page & Vine
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Pages: 432
Format Read: paperback

Summary: “A man is going to treat you how you treat yourself. So please, for the love of God, act like a queen.”


I was expecting a ring on my thirtieth birthday. What I didn’t see coming was my boyfriend and business partner dumping me because he couldn’t bear the idea of our bland sex life for the rest of our lives.

When an opportunity arises to spend my summer in Las Vegas, I stumble upon my hot new neighbor and his photography studio. We strike a simple deal.

He’s the teacher, and I’m his student.

My lesson is learning to love the body I have. In exchange, I’m going to save his business. I have exactly one summer to unearth the most confident version of myself before I go home and return to reality.

But after a passion-fueled summer, I’m not sure of who I am anymore, and it’s clear that the worst heartbreak of my life might still be yet to come.


Rating: 4/5 stars
Spice: 4/5
Review: This story follows a woman who is dumped and goes to Las Vegas where she meets a man who changes her confidence. I enjoyed this story written by Cove. I really enjoyed the story in the beginning but I have to say that the story did get slow and very repetitive. The story was still entertaining but there weren’t huge conflicts throughout the book. I loved the message behind the book about having confidence and no matter what someone says, you are beautiful. The story nailed it with the message and I loved the plus size representation. This book takes place majority in Las Vegas and I loved exploring it through the MC’s eyes. The story is told from both Avery and Finn’s pov. 

Avery is dumped by her boyfriend/business partner of 4 years so when she has an opportunity to go to Las Vegas, she goes. I loved seeing her grow throughout the book and building her confidence. Then we have Finn who is a great guy but his heart has also been broken. I liked his story too and seeing him able to find love again. I do have to say that his story was quickly finished with as he didn’t go through much heartbreak in the beginning. The side characters were well-written and I loved Lennox in this story. I can’t wait to read her book. I did hate Avery’s bff and if you read the book you will see why. This book is very steamy with neighbors to lovers, insta-love and teacher/student romance. The chemistry was great but it was such a slow burn for them to admit they love each other. 

The ending was cute and I loved the epilogue we got. They are such a perfect couple for each other. I can’t wait to read the next book in this world as I enjoyed it. I do hope the next book has more conflicts or the book-length is shorter. 

*this book was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return* 

Published by Thindbooks

Hello! I'm a book reviewer on Instagram @thindbooks, Goodreads, and here! I love YA books, especially in the fantasy genre. I'm a total Maas trash meaning I LOVE all of Sarah J. Maas's book. Some of my favorite series other then ACOTAR & TOG are Furyborn, Shatter Me, Shadowfalls and the After series. Here you will see reviews, blog tours, book box book reveals and so much more!

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