The Problem with Players by Brittainy Cherry: Review

The Problem with Players by Brittainy Cherry
Release Date: May 23, 2024
Publisher: Self Published
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Pages: 412
Format Read: e-arc

Summary: As a female coach, I’ve always lived by a simple mantra: throw hard, swing for the fences, and never, ever look back–especially when it comes to past flames.

So when my ex-boyfriend somehow manages to land the job as my new assistant coach, my life is flipped upside down. The game I thought I’d mastered is now being played with a whole new set of rules.

My ex is baseball’s all-star Nathan Pierce. He’s tall, dark, and undeniably handsome. He’s also all too eager to spend extra hours working together while flashing that familiar devilish smirk of his that still sends my heart racing.

Between playful teasing and lingering stares I discover that Nathan isn’t just here to work. He’s here to rewrite history. Our history.

And when fate throws another curveball involving me needing a place to stay, Nathan offers up his spare bedroom, which sends me spiraling into emotions I believed had long since faded.

Now I’m faced with the ultimate decision: keep it professional and continue fleeing from our past, or confront it head-on by playing the game he thinks we were meant to finish together.


Rating: 4/5 stars
Spice: 1/5
Review: This is the second book in the series which follows a female coach whose past comes to the present where her ex-boyfriend is now the assistant coach. I really enjoyed this book written by Brittainy and loved the storyline she created. As this is the second book in the series but follows new characters, I didn’t feel lost in this small town. The conflicts were great and I enjoyed the pacing of the story. I loved the message behind the story and seeing mental health issues represented. This book is written in dual povs of both Avery and Nathan. 

Avery is a teacher/coach and needs a room. I loved her character and seeing her grow throughout the story. Then we have Nathan who’s a popular baseball player but is back to the small town and is now an assistant coach. I loved his character and seeing how he moved through his struggles to get to what he was. There are many side characters in this book and I believe some will have their own books in the future. The romance is second chance and forced proximity which was well done and I liked the chemistry between the couple. 

The ending was well done and overall I really enjoyed this story. I believe this might be my favorite Cherry book. I do have to say that I wasn’t really into the whole baseball aspect of the story which did downplay some areas but other than that it was great. I recommend checking out this story!

*this e-arc was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return*

Published by Thindbooks

Hello! I'm a book reviewer on Instagram @thindbooks, Goodreads, and here! I love YA books, especially in the fantasy genre. I'm a total Maas trash meaning I LOVE all of Sarah J. Maas's book. Some of my favorite series other then ACOTAR & TOG are Furyborn, Shatter Me, Shadowfalls and the After series. Here you will see reviews, blog tours, book box book reveals and so much more!

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